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Must read GRE word list one thousand high frequency  GRE words

Must read GRE word list one thousand high frequency  GRE words

Must read GRE word list. One thousand high-frequency GRE words with Bangla meaning.

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--- This list is prepared by Kamrul Islam Rizvi

Once upon a time, when I just started to prepare myself for the GRE exam, I was told that I must memorize A to Z words from the Barron’s list. That was scary! I got demotivated. I am sure lot of prospective test takers change their mind not to take GRE just because of this huge wordlist. Then I came across this other book 'Word Power Made Easy' by Norman Lewis. This book was a life changer for me! Let me tell you more about the after effect.

This book is way different than a typical academic book. I went through the pages with bated breath as if I am reading a novel. This book mostly talks about root of the words, how they originated, and what other words came from the same root. This is called etymology, the study of the origin of words. For example, lot of us did not notice that the word ‘disease’ means dis + ease. The same root ‘ease’ creates another word ‘easy’. Let me give you another example. Greek root 'eu' means good, well, happy, pleasing etc. Now you can at least guess what could be the meaning of the following words:

euphony = pleasing and harmonious sounds [good sound]

eulogy = a formal expression of praise [good speech]

euphemism = a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word [good word]

euthanasia = the act of killing someone painlessly [good death]

euphoria = a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation [good feeling]

After finishing this book, I decided to make a list of words which will also contain similar root words. That way when I was learning one new word, at the same time I was covering three or four related words. I was also forgetting much less than the Barron’s word list. This PDF I created for myself first, later lot of students got benefitted. It covers more than one thousand high frequency  GRE words. It shows the parts of speech, English to English meaning, English to Bengali meaning, and the application of the word in a sentence.

Lot of the students asked me if this list is enough for GRE preparation. I would say start your preparation with this list first, then go to Barron’s or other popular word lists. I am confident that your way of looking at a new word will totally change. You will also feel an affinity toward new words. And you will end up having a very good knowledge on English vocabulary for the rest of your life rather than just doing well in the exam.

Here are couple more examples from my PDF before you download it:

Vigor (n.) [শারীরিক বা মানসিক শক্তি]

=> Vigorous (adj.) [বলিষ্ঠ, তেজস্বী]

=> Vigorously (adv.)

=> Invigorate (v.) [শক্তি/সাহস দেয়া]

=> An invigorating climate. [তেজোবর্ধক জলবায়ু]

=> An invigorating speech. [উৎসাহদায়ক বক্তৃতা]

Sanguine (adj.) [আশাবাদী, রক্তিম]

=> = positive and hopeful.

=> Sanguine of success.

=> Sanguinary (adj.) [রক্তাক্ত, রক্তক্ষয়ী, রক্তলোলুপ]

=> A sanguinary battle.

=> A sanguinary ruler.

=> Consanguine (adj.) [রক্তের সম্পর্কযুক্ত, সগোত্র]

=> Consanguinity (n.) [(রক্তের) সম্পর্ক, সগোত্রতা]

=> Consanguineous (adj.)

=> = related by blood.

=> Exsanguination (n.)

=> = depriving the body of blood.

--------------- Kamrul Islam Rizvi


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