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GRE module of MSNB (My Study Notebook): Guiding Model to Get a Good Score

GRE module of MSNB (My Study Notebook): Guiding Model to Get a Good Score

The GRE module of MSNB ( provides premises for practicing and appearing ideal tests where one can find a guiding model to follow getting a good and desirable score with a view to stepping onward. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. GRE module of my study notebook (MSNB) aids the students to have …

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Mastering Reading Comprehension of GRE Verbal Reasoning

Mastering Reading Comprehension of GRE Verbal Reasoning

GRE Reading Comprehension in verbal reasoning section is set to evaluate the efficacy of exploring logical reasoning and critical thinking through reading with some strategic systems of appearing questions. The section is to be excelled with keen attention and regular practices to walk into the difficulties with ease of confidence. This confidence can be ascended gradually and positively if one utilizes …

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Strategies to Enhance Vocabulary: Steps to Explore the words’ Elegancy

Strategies to Enhance Vocabulary: Steps to Explore the words’ Elegancy

Vocabulary is the versatility by which reading, writing, speaking and listening of a language can attain the elegant vivacity. In GRE/GMAT/SAT/IELTS/TOEFL tests the verbal sections are completely driven by the velocity of vocabulary. Even if our grammar is perfect by rules, if we don’t know the exact and specific word to express ourselves in English then we have to encounter …

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Structure of GRE : General Disciplined Design

Structure of GRE : General Disciplined Design

' GRE - Graduate Record Examination ' is a designed and standardized exam structured in a disciplined way with a view to evaluating the efficacy for dealing with analytical writing, mathematics, and vocabulary. Many graduate schools evaluate the profile of applicants by the Graduate Record Examination where the score of GRE plays a vital and variable role in the admission and …

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Tricks and tips of Calculations in GRE Quantitative Reasoning

Tricks and tips of Calculations in GRE Quantitative Reasoning

Tricks and tips of Calculations in GRE Quantitative Reasoning

Concision in thoughts aids a lot to drive the decision of calculations utilizing the best use of time in GRE test. Concision of calculations creates a time saving criterion. In a typical examination, each quantitative section consists of 20 questions to be completed in 35 minutes. So anyone’ll have between 1.5 and …

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Mastering Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) in GRE (Tips and Tricks)

Mastering Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) in GRE (Tips and Tricks)

The Analytical Writing Assessment or essay section of GRE (Graduate Record Examination) test is to be structured with an objective with a view to creating a compelling and convincing thesis statement with applied dissent and support with logical arguments. The AWA reflects the efficacy on the way presenting complex conceptions clearly to corroborate them effectively & construct strong notions to …

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Mastering Quantitative Comparison in GRE test (Tips and Tricks)

Mastering Quantitative Comparison in GRE test (Tips and Tricks)

The quantitative comparison reasoning of quantitative reasoning or math section of GRE Test is to be formulated with stipulated strategies and perpetual practices. The notions with right steps to learn the strategies with a view to be adapted with the quantitative ambiance make anyone enable to explore the elegance of understanding from the data, equations, numbers, and formulas with an …

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Best Books to Guide GRE : Driving Forces for Deserved Score

Best Books to Guide GRE : Driving Forces for Deserved Score

Best Books to Guide GRE

GRE - Graduate Record Examination ' is a designed exam structured in a disciplined way with a view to evaluating the efficacy for dealing with verbal and quantitative reasoning with analytical writing assessment. GRE books are to be selected on the basis of these regions of GRE test so that one can excel their knowledge and …

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