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Check list : Things to do after coming abroad for the first time (This list for USA, Canada but there are many things common to every country)

Check list : Things to do after coming abroad for the first time (This list for USA, Canada but there are many things common to every country)

It’s not always easy to cope up with the new environment, new culture after coming abroad. There are tons of things to take care of which could be quite overwhelming especially for the first few months. Following is the list of few things that you should be aware of (This list for USA, Canada but there are many things common …

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What should you look for while selecting Universities? (In Bangla)

Higher Education এর জন্য  University Selection সবসময়ই সবচেয়ে challenging part গুলোর একটা। অনেকেই জানতে চান আমার প্রোফাইল এরকম, আমার কোন university তে apply করা উচিৎ? University Selection এর সময় আসলে অনেক গুলো বিষয় এর দিকে খেয়াল রাখতে হয়। আর এ বিষয়গুলো নিয়েই কথা বলেছেন কয়েকজন Grad Student/ Faculty.

Language- Bangla

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