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Common mistakes of IELTS Speaking Module

Common mistakes of IELTS Speaking Module

IELTS speaking module designs an art to interact by means of speech which should be clarified and cognitive on the basis of lucidity. IELTS examine has to speak strategically before the examiner so that the interaction can have a natural flow out of any kind of common mistakes. The common mistakes can make the speaking session confusing and erratic. On the other hand, the knowledge over the junctures in where the mistakes are taken place, can help anyone a lot to speak avoiding them. Examines should practice the speaking module identifying, knowing, and avoiding the common mistakes usually occur.

Speak more than enough or less than necessary

  • If one speaks too little, he/she will miss the opportunity to present the inborn ability. If one speaks too much then he/she risks sounding less coherent and making more mistakes.
  • It should be kept in mind that the speaking component assesses the use of spoken English. Every test is recorded.
  • In Part 1, the examiner will ask general questions about one’s own self and a range of familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies and interests. This part lasts between four and five minutes.
  • In, Part 2 one will be given a card which asks you to talk about a particular topic. You will have one minute to prepare before speaking for up to two minutes. The examiner will then ask one or two questions on the same topic.
  • In part, Part 3 - one will be asked further questions about the topic in Part 2. These will give one the opportunity to discuss more abstract ideas and issues. This part of the test lasts between four and five minutes.
  • In order to avoid mistakes, one should know that answers of two to four sentences are fine in Part 1. There are clear instructions about the length of speaking time in Part 2. One should aim to say three to six sentences after each question in Part 3.
  • One should know that different cultures have different attitudes to silence, but for English speakers, the attitude is one of near-zero tolerance. It’s fine to hesitate for a few seconds before speaking or between ideas, but silences of longer than five seconds will go down badly with respect to the band score.
  • The only solution to this problem of silence is to learn & apply some filler expressions, e.g. okay, Let me see, the thing is that I think, according to my opinion etc.
  • One needs to speak enough to the point of the plan to score smartly. If he /she speaks more than enough or less than necessary it will surely deduct the mark.


Speak with unclear & poor pronunciation

  • It can be considered as wrong answer if one speaks with poor pronunciation where the examiner has to struggle to understand his / her words. Perhaps the words spoken are good words but the problem is that the examiner simply can’t catch what one is trying to say. The accent is not a problem but the pronunciation is to be cleared and clarified. 
  • IELTS examiners are not supposed to reveal when candidates have performed poorly or made mistakes, so one may never know that the poor pronunciation is a problem.
  • The solution is to practice IELTS speaking with a good English speaker and practice speaking by own self in the stages of preparation by means of available resources.
  • No matter how strong of an accent a person has, the words are to be pronounced correctly or it will cost marks.
  • There’s a good reason clear pronunciation accounts for 25% of the score in IELTS Speaking and that’s because it’s fundamental to spoken communication.


Aberrant flow of speaking 

  • One varies intonation, pitch, volume and speaking speed in order to maintain the listener’s interest and direct attention to the important ideas.
  • The speech is to have a natural flow. It should not be aberrant, artificial or unnatural. 
  • In exams, it is very usual that one can feel to control the nerve which can make anyone distracted from being natural. Then the examiner may get a flat, robotic speech from him/her.
  • One should practice a lot by own self-applying the attitude and altitude in the speech by means of proper application of proper stress and emotions.


Try to speak on verified ideas

  • In IELTS, it is not the ideas that are important, but the way they are described in.
  • One should think that expressing the wrong ideas can harm their score.
  • The truth is that no idea can be wrong and the ideas are not important on their own, it is the way they are expressed in that important.
  • In this case, one should express the instant ideas come into the mind by means of the question asked in an organized and clarified way clearly.
  • The answers do not need to be verified e.g.: If one is asked to talk about the favorite place to visit then one doesn’t need to think to find the place truly rather he/she should start speaking on the place comes into the visualization instantly. 


Overuse of connectives for speech  

  • In IELTS speaking, it’s helpful to use a few connective words like firstfor example, on the other hand, moreover, besides etc.
  • If one overuses or overloads the speech with these ones could actually damage your score.
  • One has to speak in a natural way in IELTS Speaking.


Anomalous attitude   

  • One should be prepared and concerned about the attitude and behavior before the examiner and scorers.
  • Any kind of anomalous attitude can make the score lower.
  • One should respond everything with a usual smile and positive gesture where politeness is an element that must be sustained.
  • One sits before the examiner to speak and answer. So one should not ask any question in an anomalous way during the speaking session rather he/she can ask in urge using the sense of politeness.
  • It is suggested to maintain a uniform eye contact during speaking which is a gesture of decency and smartness.

Improper utilization of preparation time

  • It can be clarified and realized from the table of the time scale of speaking section of IELTS exam that one can utilize the section and score smartly by means of proper utilization of every preparation time regarding given by the examiner.  
  • On the other hand, improper utilization of preparation time will emerge as a huge mistake.
  • In this case, practice and proper preparation can be a huge source of liveliness, courage, and confidence


Void of vivacity

  • One should be vivacious enough during the exam day which always shows a positive vibe and it may earn few extra point for the band score.
  • A lively and positive gesture helps anyone interact easily and cordially with anyone in a natural manner which also helps the other person i.e. examiner to be lively and enthusiast to engage in the conversation interactively.
  • It is obvious, if the examiner remains lively and gets positive output from the conversation with the test takers then the speaking session will be scored lively as well.
  • One should not do any kind of mistake due to the void condition lack of vivacity i.e. liveliness due to nervousness.
  • The more one practices the more the nerve comes under control to feel relaxed at any condition.

Speaking module of IELTS contributes an important segment of the band score. Without identifying & knowing the common mistakes, one can be trapped by the flaws during speaking before the examiner. In order to make the speaking interaction lively, natural and a platform to derive the desired score one needs to have the knowledge of the common mistakes properly and keenly.


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